v4.6 [Jan 6, 2017]
- New icon (thanks to Marco).
- Add option to convert '//' into '/'.
- Add DNS relay advertisement in Settings windows.
- fix : crash on empty DNS request.
- Suppress warning "DHCP mask empty" if DHCP is disabled.
- Improved: disk caching behavior.
- Fix: use of unsigned 32 bits int for file size reporting (impact only file >2Gb).
- Change: behavior on duplicate requests.
- New: compiled under Visual studio 2019.
- Improved: increased size of dir window and better alignment.
- Add: exponential delay for statistics reports.
v4.5 [Dec 7, 2013]
- DHCP has been greatly improved
- Partly rewritten : the DHCP server
- Changed : startup process
DHCP Server offers an easy software solution to network administration problems.